- Sunsets on the beach and morning coffee at home with Jesse
- Sharing love and confidences with Eric and Amber when they visited us in April
- Visiting with Rachel, Rick and Lela, and strengthening our relationships
- Visits with close friends
- Being loved and accepted by Jesse's family
- Chinese dinner with my sister, Sandy, and family
- Planning an April wedding in Hawaii
Just Livin'
Flow - Just Livin'
Florida Sunrise
Saturday, 1 January 2011
Rare and Lovely Moments
Thursday, 11 November 2010
In Honor of Our Veterans
My Grandfather, Irvin Cox, served in the Infantry in World War I. Grandma’s brothers served in World War II – Richard Wells in the Army and Fred Wells in the Navy. My dad, Elvis Dudley, served in the Navy during the Korean War. My son, Eric Shehan, served in the Navy during the U.S. involvement in the Balkans, 1994-1998. As a Thank You to them and all our veterans, I’d like to post a portion of Grandpa Cox’s short memoir, handwritten in a pocket-sized book of graph paper - an Ozark country boy’s experience as a private in the Old Hickory division in World War I.
“Irvin F Cox left home on the 23 day of Jun 1918 and went to Camp Pike Ark on the 24 day of the same month and trained there for almost two month and then started for France on the 22 of August.”
Born in Larue, Arkansas, Irvin had little formal education, and had not traveled outside the region in which he grew up, but his writings demonstrate his interest in the new experiences and surroundings.
“I arrived at Camp Merritt NJ and camp there for five days and then went to Hobokin (sic) and boarded a small ship for New York where I boarded a British ship called the Kattalonia (Caledonia) . . . I boarded a American ship and sailed for France and I sure did sail for it was a fast runner.”
Upon reaching the port city of Le Havre, Private Cox was transferred to a training camp for about one month. Apparently quarters were scarce for the Allied troops.
“When I first got there I slep (sic) in a barn for some time and then moved to a garage room after I got my training. Then I went to Ecomoy (Ecommoy) and got on a troop train and went through Le Mans and Paris and lots of other towns and when I arrived I was for one week in a Belgian Camp.
“I had some time there for I had to go about two miles after my meals three times a day. I went to BeCourt (Bellicourt) through some towns that the Germans had captured and was recaptured. They was all shot to pieces. All the roofs was shot off some of the buildings and holes in brick walls that I could walk through. They was the first tranches (trenches) I had seen. They was tranches in ever field and bob wire intenglement (barbed wire entanglement) of all kind and some big shell holes. It looked like war to me.”
For nearly four months, Irvin drilled and wrote letters home while awaiting his orders, and then the “fortunes of war” dealt a surprising hand.
“Well, when I got to BeCourt (Bellicourt) I was there two weeks. We was aimed to go in to (front) lines in a few days and one evening the captain came out and read a few lines to us that read like this: ‘Today at 11 o’clock this great war ended and now we will only wait for our time to go home.’
“And then we sure did some howling and ever thing that we could think of. We sure was happy to think that we might get to go home again.”
“After the war was over we went to Vermie and drilled, past several reviews, and had some diversion, then went to La Bazoge and went on the rifle range. I was there two weeks. I spent Christmas and New Year’s there and then went back to Vermie. Went to Le Mans, was on the way for two days with Harvey Pack. It was a tiresome trip, but arrived all right.”
A poor farm boy was always interested in food, so the sight of a camp full of soldiers eating together was fascinating.
“The name of the camp was Forwarding Camp. They was lots of soldiers there. There was 1000 of us eat at one kitchen. But that was not as many as I have seen eat at one place. I had eat where there was 3400. It sure was some place to eat. Mud was so deep I could hardly walk. After one month and one day I left there and went to St Nazaire. I was took out of Company M and went in the Camp Pike Detachment.”
Despite the turbulent voyage, Private Cox’s exuberance at returning to the U.S is characteristic of many Doughboys.
“On the last day of March I boarded the USS Martha Washington, and on the first day of April I sailed for the U.S. and was on the water for 13 days and I arrived at Charleston, SC . . . the water was very rough and was quite a few of the boys sick and ‘feeding the fish’ . . . but was proud to git back to the USA once more.
“On the 19 of April I boarded a troop train and started for Camp Pike . . . on the 21 I arrived at Pike and on the 25 I got my discharge and beat it for home the morning of the 25 day of April 1919.”
Thank You, Veterans

Sunday, 27 June 2010
Shameless Plug
I was asked to increase my hours at work for about a month, for "training" purposes, and because they are re-writing their procedures manual, and thought I would be the perfect guinea pig/test project, since I don't know all the procedures. So I am working about 30 hours\, and then they said, well, it might last more than a month -- maybe 6 months. Not sure I like that, because it takes too much time from my school work, which has suffered. I seem to postpone my studying and writing too often. At this time I am working on re-building our home business website, a sort of on-the-job training/class. When I can present the finished project, along with a paper or presentation on how it was done...tada! I get credit for the class.
It sounds a lot easier than it is. Unless you have taken classes, online, you may not understand how much time and effort it takes to "educate your own damn self" to quote Chris Rock. He has an entire stand-up routine on the subject, because he says that's what his father told him when he wanted to go to college. He says he wouldn't like to go to a doctor whose diploma says he educated his own damn self!
When you take online classes, especially getting ILP (Independent Learning Pursuit) credit through DePaul University, you are responsible for everything on your own. Deciding what books and articles to read, when to read, when to write and when, what, and why to write and submit your essays/theses. To me it is infinitely more difficult than sitting in a classroom, listening to lectures and reading what the instructor assigns, taking tests, and finishing at a specific time. More time consuming, much more research, and a lot more agony!
Oh, and while I have it, I would like to focus your attention to a website. My daughter-in-law, Amber is an industrious young lady who makes candles and various arts and crafts, along with her signature creation, infused honey. I have had some of this honey, and it is wonderful in tea, coffee, and just about anything else you want to sweeten. Check out her website and pamper yourself a little!
Now, I'm off to the beach!
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Eric and Amber Visit!
I think the greatest deterrent to writing had to be the crash of the computer. Not mine - Jesse's. Almost everything was malfunctioning, and we discovered the automatic updates had not been automatically updating. So, he saved his files to an external drive and ran a full restore. Weird result: some of programs that had been installed before are now unable to install because they are "too old" according to Windows. Same computer, same programs. A frequently-heard comment around our house: "I hate Microsoft."
So, because all the business files and bookkeeping, etc were on those old programs, we lost it all, and I have been re-creating forms and letters and customer files.
In April, Eric and Amber came to visit for 5 days, and it was wonderful to see them! We had such a good time - mostly talking, but also going to the beach, a short tour of the Shell Factory, and an Everglades tour. We barbequed and went out for sushi, and I finally tasted sake. Didn't like it much; tasted like cough syrup. I'll post pictures sometime.
After Eric and Amber's visit, I had a job interview for a part-time accountant position with a payroll/employee leasing/human resource management-type company, called a PEO or Professional Employer Organization. The company is Smart Payroll Solutions. I started the job last week, working 15 hours per week, which will hopefully allow time for my life. Interestingly, they are using software similar to the software Arvest Bank used in the 1990s! DOS-based and slow, but there isn't a lot I can do to mess up, so that's a plus! They use a lot of Excel spreadsheets, which I know pretty well, also thanks to Arvest. I took a test a few months ago which categorized my Excel knowledge as "well above average," - a boost to my confidence which was plummeting precipitously due to the inability to find work.
So now I won't be babysitting any more, and I will miss Kylee so much! I hope to be able to keep her sometimes, if her parents need me.
I think a visit to northwest Arkansas will also help! Lela is saying "Nonnie" now, as well as about a hundred other words, and even recognizes a few written words. Smart baby. Smart parents, too. I hope to visit soon.
Almost 2 weeks ago, our tuxedo cat, Lenny disappeared, and though we have posted flyers and craigslist ads, and alerted the microchip registry, he hasn't been found. We are so bereft ... he added so much to our lives. Though we had to deal with his prey in the house, and his pestering the old cat, Delilah, it was fun. I still hope that he will reappear, but it's dwindling.
About the same time as Lenny's disappearance, Jesse pinched a nerve in his neck, and has only been able to work limited hours. It seems to be healing, but slowly. We even bought an inversion table last week so he could get a few minutes release from pressure. That's an interesting thing to experience! You should try one if you get the chance!
So, that's about it ... again with the adjustments!
Now I'm off to the gym!
Friday, 26 February 2010
The Cooper's Hawk
Some of you have mentioned Wild Kingdom, and I would have to agree. I have so enjoyed all the wildlife out here, and being on the canal. We see interesting animals all the time. I remembered to ask Jesse about the hog pictures last night, so I'll try to post some of those soon. They babies were so cute. I love little pigs.