Flow - Just Livin'

Flow - Just Livin'
Florida Sunrise

Saturday 30 May 2009

Beautiful Sunset

These are the two best pictures we took - of the sunset anyway - last Friday. I love how the pink is reflected in the wet sand.

A few more pictures....

I asked Eric for permission to post these. For those of you who haven't met them, these are of my son Eric, and daughter-in-law Amber in a creative mood .... when I look at these, I think of Deadwood, Doc Holliday, Belle Starr.


I love Saturdays! When I go to sleep on Friday night, I know that I can sleep until I'm through sleeping....if the dog will allow it. This morning he whimpered occasionally beside the bed, but I slept until I was ready to get up.

This morning Jesse and I are sitting in the office quietly enjoying a "cuppa joe." He is working on his photography while I ramble on my blog and the pets wander in and out - just checking on us. The sun is shining brightly, but I see some dark puffy clouds coming in from the southwest. Maybe we can go for a bike ride sometime when the storms have passed over.

I feel a little celebratory this morning, because I have only one week left of the class I'm taking. I still have an 8-page paper to write, but the research and outline are finished - that is if I can keep myself from looking up "just a little bit more." This is a 6-hour class, and takes a lot of my time, but I am slowly inching my way to that degree... This summer, my plan is to finish about 4 proficiency exams. That would help pad the transcript!

I should stop the ramble for a while....pancakes sound pretty good....the growling of my stomach rivals the dog's.

Wednesday 27 May 2009

One More Small - But Growing - Item

Before I stop posting for the day...well, that is for now.....I have to exhibit one of the prizes of my life: my new and first grandchild asleep with a full tummy on her Boppy. (I think that's what it's called. I get it confused with Bumpo, as in "Last of the Mohicans.") Naturally, she is quite precocious and beautiful!

One more shot from the beach. Actual sunset photos to appear later! :)

Sunset on the Beach

Last Friday the weather forecast was for storms for the entire 3-day weekend, so we had planned to do mundane things such as grocery shopping. After our workout, Jesse said, "It looks like it might be a nice sunset." So we decided to go to the beach for dinner. If it started to rain, we could go back to the mundane. Apparently everyone else thought the weather would be bad and made other plans, because we drove straight to the beach, easily found a parking space, and were seated - without waiting - next to the pier at the restaurant. The sunset was spectacular, and Photographer Jesse took lots of shots. He is still working on them in his "darkroom," so this is the only one I have at the moment.

The Name "Flow"

I chose the name "Flow" for my blog because that is my aspiration. Lately, however, I seem to be spending most of my time doing what has to be done, rather than planning and creating. I'm working towards reconnecting with my creative forces, but my job search (fruitless so far), schoolwork (slowly progressing) and building a life with Jesse (the best facet) take most of my time. However, when I consider it, all those projects require creativity!

With that said, it's time to sign off and get something else done!