Flow - Just Livin'

Flow - Just Livin'
Florida Sunrise

Saturday 30 May 2009


I love Saturdays! When I go to sleep on Friday night, I know that I can sleep until I'm through sleeping....if the dog will allow it. This morning he whimpered occasionally beside the bed, but I slept until I was ready to get up.

This morning Jesse and I are sitting in the office quietly enjoying a "cuppa joe." He is working on his photography while I ramble on my blog and the pets wander in and out - just checking on us. The sun is shining brightly, but I see some dark puffy clouds coming in from the southwest. Maybe we can go for a bike ride sometime when the storms have passed over.

I feel a little celebratory this morning, because I have only one week left of the class I'm taking. I still have an 8-page paper to write, but the research and outline are finished - that is if I can keep myself from looking up "just a little bit more." This is a 6-hour class, and takes a lot of my time, but I am slowly inching my way to that degree... This summer, my plan is to finish about 4 proficiency exams. That would help pad the transcript!

I should stop the ramble for a while....pancakes sound pretty good....the growling of my stomach rivals the dog's.

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